Inform and provide activities to bring the team closer together. Involve and get feedback to make well informed management and HR-decisions. Have fun with competitions and creative tasks.
Make sure only those who are meant to be at the event can join the fun by choosing between various authenticated entrance gate options.
Video room is a good solution for organizing webinars, workshops, trainings, roundtables or demos, allowing up to 100 participants to join!
Group chat in networking can help your participants communicate with each other, share opinions, and discuss products and services of common interest without having to do it separately.
Use polls to vote on the best employee, have a Q&A session with the CEO or create a quiz to have competitions and share awards.
Allow the teams to work together in separate breakout rooms by giving them tasks to solve, that can later be shared with everyone else.
Allow live streaming and motivating sessions across timezones or let them join from their home offices.
Book a free consultation and ask anything. We are happy to speak with you.