10 Unusual Virtual Event Promotion Ideas for 2021

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As more and more businesses begin to realize the benefits of connecting with customers virtually, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to promotion. In this article, we’ll look at some unusual virtual event promotion ideas for 2021 — tips that will help you attract attention without breaking the bank. 

Ideas For Virtual Event Promotion

As opposed to the duration, event promotion channels can be similar for both large and small scale events. We prepared 10 unusual yet simple to implement ideas for the virtual event promotion that can help you to reach thousands of people. 

#1 Collaboration with sponsors

Yes, we know it’s your job to advertise sponsors. But who said they can’t advertise you as well? If the sponsors’ audience can be relevant to your virtual event, reach out to them asking for an announcement on their website or social media. To save time, prepare the content you want to be published, in advance. 

#2 Slack communities 

There are thousands of Slack channels with announcements which everyone can freely join. Depending on the virtual event topic, search for the relevant channels whose members potentially might be interested in attending your event.  

#3 Google hidden possibilities 

Not only Google Ads can make your virtual event seen. If your organization has a Google My Business account, post your announcement there. The service also allows to track the performance and check analytics. 

#4 Wikipedia

If your virtual event is regular, consider creating a page about it on Wikipedia. Tell a story about the history of the event, its purposes and the impact it makes. Also, you can describe who stands behind the processes or add some interesting facts about the event.

#5 Event on Linkedin 

Recently, Linkedin allowed creating separate pages for events. Just like on Facebook, you can set an event with the main information about the event, and thus easier promote the virtual event on Linkedin. 

#6 Power of the influential speakers   

Make a list of event speakers who may have a wide network of relevant connections and ask them about a favor. Such influencers are always gladly sharing the announcement of their next big talk encouraging their readers to attend an event. 

#7 Event forums & communities 

Think about the problems your virtual event can help to solve, then engage in the relevant forums and communities telling about that. Be as specific as possible, as your job firstly is to help, then to promote. 

#8 Vendors 

Working with different vendors such as design, video or sound companies, think about them as an additional source of the virtual event promotion. Where relevant, ask about the post in social media. In return, you can recommend them to your personal network. 

#9 Landing page with an educational blog 

Use your event landing page to provide valuable content that people will want to share: articles, tools, interviews will increase your virtual event’s brand awareness and make it more visible.     

#10 Share the “making of” experience

If you’re struggling with content marketing for your event, try sharing the scenes behind the organization. Show photos and videos of the preparation, or even stories about the challenges or fails you faced. This can help you to build empathy and connection with your readers. 


Combining the suggested ways would make a virtual event promotion process easier for you. If you are stuck on another planning stage and need a piece of advice, book a free consultation with our virtual event expert. 


Photo by Joanna Jõhvikas.

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