3 Must-Know Marketing Tips For Event Professionals

If you are in the event management business, you know that marketing your event can be difficult. You want to get the word out about your upcoming event to as many people as possible without being too pushy. If you have the right marketing tips, the chances of your event being a success increase dramatically.

1. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a technique in which companies turn their employees and customers into enthusiasts who spread the word about the product or service that they believe in.

If the event is successful, attendees are happy to return next time and recommend it to their colleagues and friends. Also, recommendations can go through social media. Attendees share their event pictures and comment on their experiences on other social media channels. So, how to turn your attendees into influencers?

  • Use the Worksup event app and enable rating to let the audience choose which speaker is the best. Urge the audience to share their opinion about the speakers they like the most on their channels.
  • Use polls to know what topics your audience finds the most interesting. This gives you a better idea of what kind of content can influence the attendees the most and what kind of event ambassadors you need for your next event.
  • Make your guests act like influencers and share your hashtags (Event ID, speakers, etc) pictures, and links from the interactive mobile event app Worksup.

Become influencer yourself

To become a successful influencer, you need to give it some extra push. You need to build your personal brand and work on forming relationships within the industry. So, how to do this?

  • Start your blog to showcase your expertise in your field. Be objective and soon you will start to get followers who appreciate your hacks and tips.
  • Create connections with other event planners, speakers, influencers in your field.
  • Encourage your event partners to promote their presence at your event and thus benefit from their media coverage.

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Estonian socialmedia influencers, Juhani Särglep and Mariann Treimann

2. Brand your event

Branding is important for every major super-brand succeeded in creating a massive following that has helped them to grow their business. These companies have been: TedXWorld Business ForumIBMApple and Microsoft conferences, etc. Today, there are also plenty of events that have created a similar follower system by simply branding their event.

Successful event communities

In the context of events and meetings, Web Summit is a great example of getting the event brand community right. They started with only 400 attendees, which now is over 70,000 attendees from more than 170 countries. An unrivaled global meeting place for the world’s most disruptive technology companies and those interested in how that disruption can transform their businesses and their lives. They also form a strong following around their brand.

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Web Summit events are global events

That has also happened to many startup communities. They go around the globe talking about their experiences and their own brand, which hopefully eventually creates a community around it. One of those companies is the technology company Apple, which success has developed in many countries due to its global conferences and Steve Job’s consistency to create an impact. Thus, what is the “secret sauce” of their success stories? The answer most probably would be that these companies have offered exceptionally great products, services, and knowledge, which is supported by positive reviews and valuable stock prices.

3. Content is the key

It’s important to keep your community posted and informed. Content marketing is still the most effective way to raise brand awareness, create a group of loyal readers and followers and ultimately convert them into customers.

Here is the list of content ideas that’ll help you market your event efficiently and get your attendees to return to the next event:

  • Share content like articles, photos, and videos from previous events
  • Write a blog about the city/ country and suggest places they can visit
  • Create email interviews with your speakers and post them as blog posts
  • Invite presenters and partners to guest blog to give them some extra visibility
  • Encourage speakers to shoot video teasers

In Summary

Indeed, these activities can be a bit time-consuming and bring results only in the long term. However, when you put influencers and branding marketing strategies in motion and endorsed by content marketing, these hacks can help you gain an unbeatable competitive advantage over your competitors.

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