Creating a virtual exhibition for your event has never been easier. In this article, you’ll learn about the prerequisites – and all of the new possibilities that come with the virtual expo feature.
A turning point for expos
Business expositions have always been a valuable part of large events. Attendees and investors come to expos to find a potential partner or learn about a new disruptive product. For companies, the expo is a chance to promote one’s brand and acquire new customers. It is the ultimate space where professionals establish new business relations and close deals. When the pandemic situation began to gain momentum, most of the event industry companies were not ready to support the same level events in an online format. A big part of them is still struggling with doing so. It opened up a question of how to help event organizers transmit the same event structure, experience, and atmosphere into online. We are glad to announce that from now on, every event organizer can include a virtual expo area to any event.

What possibilities does the expo feature provide?
From now on, event organizers can provide a richer online events experience for attendees. “Entering” the exposition area, users can review different companies taking part in the expo and a brief introduction of what they do. Opening up any of them, users will instantly see 3 blocks of information:
– About
– Presentation
– Contacts
In “About” section attendees can learn more about what does the company do, and get to know what they’re offering during the event. In this unit, companies could also announce some important news or information about brand-new products they released or plan to. Above the description, there’s an area with the company cover photo which could also include slogan and/or logo.

In the “Presentation” part, one can attach an inspirational video about the company to give participants a better feeling of what the company is about. Expositors can also attach a leaflet with the main proposition outlined. Companies often liked to provide brochures during traditional events, now anyone can access it virtually too.
And last, the Contacts section. Like during any offline event, there is always a person responsible for consulting and answering questions about their product. In an online format, it is important to have such representative as well. Therefore, expositors can include contacts of one or several employees responsible for advising event attendees, so anyone could easily get in touch by dropping a message or even making a video call. The contacts area also includes the company website, email, and phone. It makes it very easy to get in touch with a company in a way convenient for a participant.

How can organizers get an online expo area?
To enable expo for your event, please contact customer support as currently, it’s available as an extra feature.
To sum up, the new expo attribute allows exhibitors to:
– Present their description, logo, and proposition
– Show up recent news about product or fresh release
– Generate qualified leads through online interaction with participants
– Provide sounded video about the company, product or service
– Attach leaflet or any other material about an expositors
– Share company contacts: website, email, phone
– Let attendees instantly contact a representative and chat or video call to learn more
At Worksup, we hope you’ll enjoy and productively use the new opportunity to the fullest. We’re sure, that the expo feature can help you to organize more successful events and enrich the experience of every stakeholder.
If you’d love to learn how to get started with expo or how to begin organizing virtual events – schedule a free consultation with our expert.
Thank you,
Worksup team