Feature of the month
Group chat
What is it?
Do you miss chatting with your colleagues at the coffee corner at events? Now you can do the same virtually in group chat. Ping a message to your event buddy or create a group chat with your team during the event.
How to use it?
This feature is great for networking, group tasks and activities, meetings (both chat and video)
Among chatting you can:
- Invite people to join the chat or even kick them out if needed.
- Edit, delete messages.
- See who is online.
- Send files.
- Go straight to video meeting.

Other updates and new features:
What is it?
Sometimes you just need a good old pop-up to give the most important information.
How to use it?
Why not give announcements during your event about changes in the agenda, important practicalities and reminders to give feedback.
- Possible to send messages only to those who are visiting the event in real time. Meaning that those who watch the recording will not have the messages.
- Edit messages if needed.
- Add as a pop-up or directly into the announcement feed.

New expo area
What is it?
Our expo area was getting tired so we decided to give it a facelift.
How to use it?
The fancy new look allows you to
- Add expo stands into takeaways basket.
- Easier navigation in expo stand – presentations and contacts directly available.
- Adding hyperlinks in info area – for website, contacts etc.
- Presentation thumbnails – get a visual preview of the content.
- See how many participants are online in the expo area – check who is visiting your stand and get immediate contact.
- Share the expo access to third partners (like in Google Drive) so you can easily delegate the submission of expo stand information to your partners.

If you want to know more about these features 👇👇